A Sticky Brake Situation (Parking Brake Service and Maintenance)
May 30, 2021
We've all been there. You park your vehicle on a steeper than usual hill and worry about it rolling down while you're running your errands. So you decide you'll use the parking brake. When you get back, you release the parking brake, hit the ignition, put it in gear anduh, ohyou can feel the p... More

Out with the Old (Vehicle Parts that Wear Out)
May 23, 2021
Some drivers don't pay any attention to their vehicles until something breaks. Others take them into their service repair facility for maintenance even before a problem develops. Still, even if you fit into the second group, there are some parts on a vehicle that will simply wear out over time.... More

Got it Covered! (Timing Cover Maintenance)
May 16, 2021
You may have heard at one time or another about something called a timing belt or timing chain in your engine. And you may know that if they fail well, let's just way that there can be some major engine damage. So obviously, we want our timing belts and chains to be in tip-top shape. One part t... More

That Vexing Vapor Venting (Vapor Coming out of Vents)
May 9, 2021
You may have noticed sometimes on a hot and humid day, vapor will come out of your vehicle's vents when you have the air conditioning on. Is that something to be concerned about? Well, it depends. Sometimes that steam or vapor can be caused by water accumulating in the vent system after it has c... More

Low Power Mystery (Ignition Coil Service)
May 2, 2021
It's no fun when your vehicle just doesn't run the way it used to. You may notice (especially in cold weather) the engine won't start easily or when it does start, it doesn't run smoothly. It may not have much power at all. You also may have had to stop at the gas station more often, a sign you... More