Objects in the Mirror (Rearview Mirror Safety and Maintenance)
April 25, 2021
You may remember a song that went, "Objects in the rearview mirror may appear closer than they are." While that was a song about life's lessons, there are a few things we should all know about how important rearview mirrors are to safe driving. While new electronic devices are helping drivers be ... More

The Power Behind your Engine (Alternator Diagnosis and Repair)
April 18, 2021
There's nothing like that sinking feeling when you turn the key and nothing happens in your vehicle. A lot of us are quick to blame the battery. But it may instead be your alternator that's failing. Your battery supplies power to start your vehicle, but the alternator is what sends power when y... More

Relax When the Wind Blows in Michigan: Winter Car Prep for Walled Lake Drivers
April 11, 2021
When autumn comes around in Walled Lake, leaves fall, nights get longer and there's a definite nip in the air. Time to unpack the boots and gloves and fold some extra blankets onto the beds. It's also time for Walled Lake drivers to winterize their vehicles.Here is some expert auto advice for Wal... More

Too Hot to Handle (Vehicle Overheating)
April 4, 2021
In the hot weather, seeing steam coming from the engine compartment is something we all dread. No one wants that to happen to them. But if you know the signs of overheating and how to deal with it, you may be able to reduce the risk of damage to your vehicle, maybe even prevent getting stranded ... More